Vivek TarsariyaProfessional UI Developer & Product Designer
Exceptional work is the baseline, doing what we love is the mission.
I have a proven track record of success in developing visually stunning user experiences, as well as unique, creative, or SEO-friendly websites and web applications. My vision has always been straight forward: WORK WITH PASSION to solve real world problems. And today, I've worked on over 100+ different types of projects, including client-based, product-based, and national-level government projects, and continue striving for more. I'm still as eager as ever to go the extra mile and take that extra step.
Slected Work

Dynamic Crypto Webapp
Orbit Guru Merdeka
Teacher Scholarships Plateform
Orbit Skills
eLearning Platform
Online Assessment Platform
Orbit Jobs
Job Hunting Platform
Orbit Works
Online-Offline classroom Management Plateform
Random Data Generate Tool
Staff Portal
HR Management Portal